Edie S. Roodman, Executive Director
Melinda Parks, Administrative and Creative Associate
Executive Committee
Jonna Kirschner, President
Lee K. Levy II, Vice President
Don Wentroth, Secretary
Keeff Felty, Treasurer
David Stanley, Immediate Past President
Honorary Board
Governor Bill Anoatubby
Governor Brad and First Lady Kim Henry
Governor Frank and First Lady Cathy Keating
Governor Mary Fallin and First Gentleman Wade Christensen
Governor David and First Lady Rhonda Walters​
Linda Aberson
Connie Bachman
Ronna Davis
Barak Federman
Victor Flores
Linda Gardner
Garrett King
Brent Kisling
Patti Lewis
Mark McBride
Chip Oppenheim
Michael Pollack
Michael Robinson
Mike Schulte
Jill Shero McDaniel
Aaron Ware
Rita Aragon-Wilson
Susan Bergen
Heather Buckmaster
Barbara Charlet
Jim Collard
Brandon Erikson
Estela Hernandez
Joy Hofmeister
Madison Horn
Erin Horton
Sherri Lance
Gary Miller
Ken Miller
Xavier Neira
Dan Nelson
Elizabeth Payne
Adam Pugh
Roberta Roberts
Gena Timberman
Special Recognition
Susan Robertson Ankeny
Michael Barlow*
David Bernstein
Kenneth Henderson*
Gary Miller
Sara Sanditen
Shirley Shanker*
John Sieler
*of blessed memory